
231 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-13 11:24:53 +00:00
#ifndef RENDERER_H
#define RENDERER_H
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <future>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include "opengl.h"
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__ANDROID__)
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "../../third_party/glew/glxew.h"
#include "../../base/closure.h"
#include "../../base/task_runner.h"
#include "render_resource.h"
#include "renderer_types.h"
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
struct ANativeWindow;
namespace eng {
struct RenderCommand;
class Image;
class Renderer {
void SetContextLostCB(base::Closure cb);
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
bool Initialize(ANativeWindow* window);
#elif defined(__linux__)
bool Initialize();
void Shutdown();
void Update();
void ContextLost();
std::unique_ptr<RenderResource> CreateResource(
RenderResourceFactoryBase& factory);
void ReleaseResource(unsigned resource_id);
void EnqueueCommand(std::unique_ptr<RenderCommand> cmd);
bool SupportsETC1() const { return texture_compression_.etc1; }
bool SupportsDXT1() const {
return texture_compression_.dxt1 || texture_compression_.s3tc;
bool SupportsDXT5() const { return texture_compression_.s3tc; }
bool SupportsATC() const { return texture_compression_.atc; }
bool SupportsVAO() const { return vertex_array_objects_; }
int screen_width() const { return screen_width_; }
int screen_height() const { return screen_height_; }
size_t GetAndResetFPS();
size_t global_queue_size() { return global_queue_size_; }
size_t render_queue_size() { return render_queue_size_; }
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__ANDROID__)
Display* display() { return display_; }
Window window() { return window_; }
struct TextureCompression {
unsigned etc1 : 1;
unsigned dxt1 : 1;
unsigned latc : 1;
unsigned s3tc : 1;
unsigned pvrtc : 1;
unsigned atc : 1;
: etc1(false),
atc(false) {}
struct GeometryOpenGL {
struct Element {
GLsizei num_elements;
GLenum type;
size_t vertex_offset;
GLsizei num_vertices = 0;
GLsizei num_indices = 0;
GLenum primitive = 0;
GLenum index_type = 0;
std::vector<Element> vertex_layout;
GLuint vertex_size = 0;
GLuint vertex_array_id = 0;
GLuint vertex_buffer_id = 0;
GLuint index_buffer_id = 0;
struct ShaderOpenGL {
GLuint id = 0;
std::unordered_map<std::string, GLuint> uniforms;
struct TextureOpenGL {
GLuint id = 0;
base::Closure context_lost_cb_;
TextureCompression texture_compression_;
bool vertex_array_objects_ = false;
bool npot_ = false;
int screen_width_ = 0;
int screen_height_ = 0;
std::unordered_map<unsigned, RenderResource*> resources_;
// Global commands are independent from frames and guaranteed to be processed.
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<RenderCommand>> global_commands_;
// Draw commands are fame specific and can be discarded if the renderer deems
// frame drop.
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<RenderCommand>> draw_commands_[2];
std::condition_variable cv_;
std::mutex mutex_;
std::thread worker_thread_;
bool terminate_worker_ = false;
base::TaskRunner task_runner_;
// Stats.
size_t fps_ = 0;
size_t global_queue_size_ = 0;
size_t render_queue_size_ = 0;
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
ANativeWindow* window_;
#elif defined(__linux__)
Display* display_ = NULL;
Window window_ = 0;
XVisualInfo* visual_info_;
GLXContext glx_context_ = NULL;
bool InitInternal();
bool InitCommon();
void ShutdownInternal();
void InvalidateAllResources();
bool StartWorker();
void TerminateWorker();
void WorkerMain(std::promise<bool> promise);
void ProcessCommand(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdEnableBlend(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdClear(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdPresent(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdUpdateTexture(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdDestoryTexture(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdActivateTexture(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdCreateGeometry(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdDestroyGeometry(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdDrawGeometry(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdCreateShader(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdDestroyShader(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdActivateShader(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformVec2(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformVec3(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformVec4(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformMat4(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformFloat(RenderCommand* cmd);
void HandleCmdSetUniformInt(RenderCommand* cmd);
bool SetupVertexLayout(const VertexDescripton& vd,
GLuint vertex_size,
bool use_vao,
std::vector<GeometryOpenGL::Element>& vertex_layout);
GLuint CreateShader(const char* source, GLenum type);
bool BindAttributeLocation(GLuint id, const VertexDescripton& vd);
GLint GetUniformLocation(GLuint id,
const std::string& name,
std::unordered_map<std::string, GLuint>& uniforms);
#if defined(__linux__) && !defined(__ANDROID__)
bool CreateWindow();
void DestroyWindow();
Renderer(const Renderer&) = delete;
Renderer& operator=(const Renderer&) = delete;
} // namespace eng
#endif // RENDERER_H