apply plugin: '' apply plugin: Utils android { compileSdk rootProject.ext.compileSdk ndkVersion rootProject.ext.ndkVersion defaultConfig { minSdk rootProject.ext.minSdk targetSdk rootProject.ext.targetSdk ndk { abiFilters = [] } } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } flavorDimensions 'game', 'arch' productFlavors { helloWorld { dimension 'game' applicationId 'com.kaliber.helloworld' resValue "string", "app_name", "Kaliber Hello World" manifestPlaceholders = [appIcon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher"] ext { gnTarget = "hello_world" } } demo { dimension 'game' applicationId 'com.kaliber.woom' resValue "string", "app_name", "Kaliber Demo" manifestPlaceholders = [appIcon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher"] ext { gnTarget = "demo" } } woom { dimension 'game' applicationId '' resValue "string", "app_name", "woom" resValue "string", "interstitial_ad_unit_id", "ca-app-pub-1321063817979967/8373182022" manifestPlaceholders = [appIcon: "@mipmap/ic_launcher"] ext { gnTarget = "demo" } } arm7 { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["armeabi-v7a"] } } arm8 { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["arm64-v8a"] } } x86 { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["x86"] } } x86_64 { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["x86_64"] } } allArchs { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64", "x86"] } } armOnly { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"] } } x86Only { dimension 'arch' ndk { abiFilters = ["x86_64", "x86"] } } } sourceSets { main { java.srcDirs += ['../../../src/engine/platform/java/com/kaliber/base'] android.buildTypes.each { buildType -> "${}" { assets.srcDirs = [utils.getAssetsDir(] } } } android.buildTypes.each { buildType -> "${}" { jniLibs.srcDirs = [utils.getJniLibsDir(] } } } namespace "com.kaliber.base" } dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1' implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.4' implementation '' } // // Tasks for GN build // // Generate `` which is used by GN to take in build arguments. utils.addTask('generateGnArgsFor') { String taskName, String buildType, String arch -> task(taskName, type: WriteFileTask) { content = utils.generateGnArgsContent(buildType, arch) target = project.layout.file(provider { new File("${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}", '') }) } } // Run `gn gen` to generate ninja files. utils.addTask('runGnFor') { String taskName, String buildType, String arch -> task(taskName, type: Exec) { dependsOn "generateGnArgsFor${arch}${buildType}" executable args '--fail-on-unused-args', 'gen', "${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}" // Need to run gn only once unless the configuration in `` changes. inputs.file(new File("${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}", '')) outputs.file(new File("${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}", '')) } } // Build the native library for the target game using ninja. utils.addGameTask('runNinjaFor') { String taskName, String buildType, String arch, String game -> task(taskName, type: Exec) { dependsOn "runGnFor${arch}${buildType}" executable args '-C', "${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}", utils.getGnTargetFor(game) // Always run ninja and let it figure out what needs to be compiled. outputs.upToDateWhen { false } } } // Assets can be obtained from the output directory of any arch but it would be good to combine them // in a single directory in case we are buildig multi-arch and some build config have different assets. utils.addGameTask('copyAssetsFor') { String taskName, String buildType, String arch, String game -> task(taskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn "runNinjaFor${game}${arch}${buildType}" from "${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}/assets" into utils.getAssetsDir(buildType) } } // Copy the native library to a directory denoting its arch code as the Android Gradle plugin expects. // Also rename it to `` which is the name expected by the engine. utils.addGameTask('copyJniLibsFor') { String taskName, String buildType, String arch, String game -> task(taskName, type: Copy) { dependsOn "runNinjaFor${game}${arch}${buildType}" from("${utils.getOutDir(buildType)}/${arch}") { include "lib${utils.getGnTargetFor(game)}.so" rename "lib${utils.getGnTargetFor(game)}.so", "" } into "${utils.getJniLibsDir(buildType)}/${utils.getAbiCodeFor(arch)}" } } tasks.configureEach { task -> def variantPattern = /(\w+)(${utils.getArchTypesRegExp()})(${utils.getBuildTypesRegExp()})/ def match = =~ /^merge/ + variantPattern + /JniLibFolders$/ if (match) { android.productFlavors.find { arch -> if (arch.dimension == 'arch' && == { // Depends on each arch type for multi-arch build flavors. arch.ndk.abiFilters.each { abi -> task.dependsOn "copyJniLibsFor${}${utils.ARCH_CODES[abi]}${}" } return true } } return } match = =~ /^generate/ + variantPattern + /Assets$/ if (match) { android.productFlavors.find { arch -> if (arch.dimension == 'arch' && == { // Depends on each arch type for multi-arch build flavors. arch.ndk.abiFilters.each { abi -> task.dependsOn "copyAssetsFor${}${utils.ARCH_CODES[abi]}${}" } return true } } return } match = =~ /^lintVitalAnalyze/ + variantPattern + /$/ if (match) { android.productFlavors.find { arch -> if (arch.dimension == 'arch' && == { // Depends on each arch type for multi-arch build flavors. arch.ndk.abiFilters.each { abi -> task.dependsOn "copyAssetsFor${}${utils.ARCH_CODES[abi]}${}" } return true } } return } } // // Utils plugin // class Utils implements Plugin { final def ARCH_CODES = ["armeabi-v7a": "Arm7", "arm64-v8a": "Arm8", "x86_64": "X86_64", "x86": "X86"].asImmutable() final def GN_CPU_CODES = ["Arm7": "arm", "Arm8": "arm64", "X86_64": "x64", "X86": "x86"].asImmutable() def project @Inject Utils(Project project) { this.project = project } void apply(Project project) { project.extensions.create('utils', Utils) } // Add a task for archs and buildTypes variants. void addTask(String prefix, Closure taskClosure) { forEachBuildVariant { String arch, String buildType -> def taskName = "${prefix}${arch}${buildType}" taskClosure(taskName, buildType, arch) } } // Add a task for games, archs and buildTypes variants. void addGameTask(String prefix, Closure taskClosure) { forEachGameBuildVariant { String game, String arch, String buildType -> def taskName = "${prefix}${game}${arch}${buildType}" taskClosure(taskName, buildType, arch, game) } } void forEachBuildVariant(Closure callback) { { arch -> // Only need to add tasks for arch types which maps to a single ABI if (arch.dimension == 'arch' && arch.ndk.abiFilters.size() == 1) { { buildType -> callback(, } } } } void forEachGameBuildVariant(Closure callback) { { game -> if (game.dimension == 'game') { { arch -> // Only need to add tasks for arch types which maps to a single ABI if (arch.dimension == 'arch' && arch.ndk.abiFilters.size() == 1) { { buildType -> callback(,, } } } } } } def getBuildTypesRegExp() { def outList = [] { buildType -> outList += } return outList.join('|') } def getArchTypesRegExp() { def outList = [] { flavor -> if (flavor.dimension == 'arch') { outList += } } return outList.join('|') } def getAbiCodeFor(String arch) { def outStr = '' { flavor -> if ( == arch) { outStr = flavor.ndk.abiFilters.first() return true } } return outStr } def getGnTargetFor(String game) { def outStr = '' { flavor -> if (flavor.dimension == 'game' && == game) { outStr = flavor.ext.gnTarget return true } } return outStr } def generateGnArgsContent(String buildType, String arch) { def content = 'target_os="android"\n' content += 'target_cpu="' + GN_CPU_CODES[arch] + '"\n' content += "is_debug=${buildType != 'Release'}\n" content += 'ndk="' + + '"\n' content += "ndk_api=${project.rootProject.ext.minSdk}\n" return content } def getOutDir(String buildType) { return "${project.buildDir}/gn_out/${buildType.toLowerCase()}" } def getAssetsDir(String buildType) { return "${project.buildDir}/gn_out/${buildType.toLowerCase()}/assets" } def getJniLibsDir(String buildType) { return "${project.buildDir}/gn_out/jniLibs/${buildType.toLowerCase()}" } } abstract class WriteFileTask extends DefaultTask { @Input abstract Property getContent() @OutputFile abstract RegularFileProperty getTarget() @TaskAction void run() { def file = target.get().asFile file.parentFile.mkdirs() def text = content.get() if (!file.exists() || text != file.text) file.text = text } }