import sys import csv import urllib.response import urllib.request # check if the user supplied the correct number of command line arguments if len(sys.argv) != 6: print("Usage: python inputfilename.csv startlineno endlineno outputfilename.csv API_key") sys.exit(1) # set the api key from the command line argument startlineno = int(sys.argv[2]) endlineno = int(sys.argv[3]) lineno = 0 api_key = sys.argv[5] with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as file: outfile = open(sys.argv[4], "w") writer = csv.writer(outfile) reader = csv.reader(file) for row in reader: lineno += 1 if (lineno < startlineno or lineno > endlineno): continue if lineno == 1: newrow = row row.append("Materials") row.append("Dimensions") writer.writerow(newrow) continue # get the 7th column of the row to a string variable itemurl = row[5] print(itemurl) # Extract the string after the last slash in the itemurl itemid = itemurl.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] print(itemid) # Fetch the xml data from " tag as string variables # Use an xml parser and extract the fields in the xml data that has are inside tag as string variables from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString dom = parseString(data) # Extract the fields in the xml data that has are inside tag as string variables allmediums = "" medium_list = dom.getElementsByTagName('dcterms:medium') # iterate through the list of medium_list and print the value of the first child node of each element for medium in medium_list: mediumname = medium.firstChild.nodeValue allmediums += mediumname + " " print(allmediums) allextents = "" extent_list = dom.getElementsByTagName('dcterms:extent') # iterate through the list of extent_list and print the value of the first child node of each element for extent in extent_list: extentitem = extent.firstChild.nodeValue allextents += extentitem + " " print(allextents) # Generate a new row with the previosu row appended with the new fields medium and extent newrow = row newrow.append(allmediums) newrow.append(allextents) writer.writerow(newrow) outfile.close() file.close()