
261 lines
9.6 KiB

#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/filereadstream.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#define debug_level 0
std::string yearstr(int year) {
return year==-1? "Unknown": std::to_string(year);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
bool download_mode =false;
if (argc == 2) {
std::string arg1 = argv[1];
download_mode = arg1=="--download";
char filename[64];
snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "out.csv");
std::ofstream out_file1;;
out_file1<<"id, Caption/title, production start year, end year, Description, Source, image_filename, subjects, date published, collection name, museum name, exif_model, exif_iso, exif_focallength, exif_exposuretime, exif_aperture, exif_datetimeoriginal, liceses\n";
for (auto i = 0; i<4; i++) {
char in_file_i[64];
snprintf(in_file_i, sizeof in_file_i, "data_%d.json", i);
// Open the file
FILE* fp = fopen(in_file_i, "rb");
// Check if the file was opened successfully
if (!fp) {
std::cerr << "Error: unable to open file"
<< std::endl;
return -1;
// Read the file
char readBuffer[192000];
rapidjson::FileReadStream is(fp, readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer));
// Parse the JSON document
rapidjson::Document doc;
// Check if the document is valid
if (doc.HasParseError()) {
std::cerr << "Error: failed to parse JSON document"
<< std::endl;
return 1;
// Close the file
if (doc.HasMember("response")
&& doc["response"].IsObject()) {
const rapidjson::Value& response = doc["response"];
if (response.HasMember("docs")
&& response["docs"].IsArray()) {
for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < response["docs"].Size(); i++) {
int yearb = -1, yeare = -1;
std::string title = "";
const rapidjson::Value& article = response["docs"][i];
std::string article_id = "";
if (article.HasMember("")) {
article_id = article[""].GetString();
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.title")) {
title = article["artifact.ingress.title"].GetString();
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.production.fromYear")) {
const rapidjson::Value& yearbval = article["artifact.ingress.production.fromYear"];
yearb = yearbval.GetInt();
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.production.toYear")) {
const rapidjson::Value& yeareval = article["artifact.ingress.production.toYear"];
yeare = yeareval.GetInt();
std::string mediaid = "";
int picid = -1;
std::string picdim = "";
if (article.HasMember("artifact.hasPictures") && article["artifact.hasPictures"].GetBool() == true) {
if (article.HasMember("artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier")) {
const rapidjson::Value& mediaidv = article["artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier"];
if (mediaidv.IsString()) {
mediaid = mediaidv.GetString();
if (article.HasMember("artifact.defaultPictureIndex") && article["artifact.defaultPictureIndex"].IsInt()) {
picid = article["artifact.defaultPictureIndex"].GetInt();
if (article.HasMember("artifact.defaultPictureDimension") && article["artifact.defaultPictureDimension"].IsString()) {
picdim = article["artifact.defaultPictureDimension"].GetString();
// image file is at<identifier>?dimension=<dim>
// as per documentation available at
char imglink[128];
snprintf(imglink, sizeof imglink, "", mediaid.c_str());
char descfilename[64];
snprintf(descfilename, sizeof descfilename, "%s.txt", article_id.c_str());
std::string description = "";
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.description")) {
const rapidjson::Value& descv = article["artifact.ingress.description"];
if (descv.IsString()) {
description = descv.GetString();
std::replace( description.begin(), description.end(), ',', ':');
std::replace( description.begin(), description.end(), '\n', ' ');
std::ofstream desc_file;;
std::string subjects;
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.subjects")) {
const rapidjson::Value& subjv = article["artifact.ingress.subjects"];
if (subjv.IsArray()) {
for (auto i = 0; i<subjv.GetArray().Size(); i++) {
subjects += subjv[i].GetString();
std::replace( description.begin(), description.end(), ',', ':');
std::replace( description.begin(), description.end(), '\n', ' ');
std::string publishdate;
if (article.HasMember("artifact.publishedDate")) {
const rapidjson::Value& pubdatev = article["artifact.publishedDate"];
if (pubdatev.IsString()) {
publishdate = pubdatev.GetString();
std::string license = "";
if (article.HasMember("artifact.ingress.license")) {
if (article[ "artifact.ingress.license"].IsString())
license = article[ "artifact.ingress.license"].GetString();
else if (article[ "artifact.ingress.license"].IsArray()) {
for (auto i = 0; i<article[ "artifact.ingress.license"].Size(); i++) {
license += article[ "artifact.ingress.license"][i].GetString();
bool is_cc_license = false;
if (license.find("CC by")!= std::string::npos) {
is_cc_license = true;
char imgfetch[256];
snprintf(imgfetch, sizeof imgfetch, "wget %s -O \"%s-%s.jpeg\"", imglink, article_id.c_str(), mediaid.c_str());
if (debug_level > 0) std::cout<<imgfetch<<std::endl;
if (download_mode) {
std::cout<<"running in download mode\n";
system (imgfetch);
if (debug_level >0) std::cout<<"Found CC by license, fetched the image for "<< mediaid<<"\n";
if (is_cc_license) {
char exif_file[128];
snprintf(exif_file, sizeof exif_file, "%s-%s.jpeg.exif.json", article_id.c_str(), mediaid.c_str());
// Open the file
FILE* exiffp = fopen(exif_file, "rb");
if (!exiffp) {
std::cerr << "Error: unable to open file" << std::string(exif_file)
<< std::endl;
return -1;
char exifreadBuffer[4096];
rapidjson::FileReadStream exifis(exiffp, exifreadBuffer, sizeof(exifreadBuffer));
rapidjson::Document exifdoc;
// Check if the document is valid
if (exifdoc.HasParseError()) {
std::cerr << "Error: failed to parse JSON document exif data"
<< std::endl;
std::string exif_model, exif_iso, exif_focallength, exif_exposuretime, exif_aperture, exif_fnumber, exif_datetimeoriginal;
if (exifdoc.IsArray()) {
if (exifdoc[0].IsObject()) {
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("Model")) {
exif_model = exifdoc[0].GetObject()["Model"].GetString();
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("ISO")) {
exif_iso = std::to_string(exifdoc[0].GetObject()["ISO"].GetInt());
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("FocalLength")) {
exif_focallength = exifdoc[0].GetObject()["FocalLength"].GetString();
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("ExposureTime")) {
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject()["ExposureTime"].IsString())
exif_exposuretime = exifdoc[0].GetObject()["ExposureTime"].GetString();
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("ApertureValue")) {
exif_aperture = std::to_string(exifdoc[0].GetObject()["ApertureValue"].GetDouble());
if (exifdoc[0].GetObject().HasMember("DateTimeOriginal")) {
exif_datetimeoriginal = exifdoc[0].GetObject()["DateTimeOriginal"].GetString();
/* article["artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier"].GetString()<<
", "<< article["artifact.defaultPictureIndex"].GetInt()<<
", "<< article["artifact.defaultPictureDimension"].GetString()<<
", "<<*/
article_id <<
", "<< title <<
", "<< yearstr(yearb) <<
", "<< yearstr(yeare) <<
", "<< description <<
", "<< imglink <<
", "<< article_id+"-"+ mediaid +".jpeg" <<
", "<< subjects <<
", "<< publishdate <<
", "<<"Länge leve Kosta! exhibition" <<
", "<<"Kulturparken Småland / Smålands museum" <<
", "<< exif_model <<
", "<< exif_iso <<
", "<< exif_focallength <<
", "<< exif_exposuretime <<
", "<< exif_aperture <<
", "<< exif_datetimeoriginal<<
", "<< license <<
return 0;